We’re already just over a month into the final quarter of the year.
I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling like time is just flying. How did we move from summer to Christmas decorations??
I’m finding the last few weeks are getting busier and I’m starting to think about the holidays and traveling and with that all of a sudden I fell into some old patterns that don’t serve where I’m heading.
I woke up this morning and knew it was time to refocus and recommit to myself and my desires again.
How are you feeling?
Today’s about taking some inventory so you can close out your year strong and in your flow.
Sometimes people think the end of the year isn’t worth investing that much time or effort in for themselves, their business or any other areas or pursuits. Have you ever heard the saying when building a house, spend 80% of your time on the foundation and 90% of your time on the planning and the rest will come together?
This is true for planning our lives as well.
What you visualize and truly desire, spend time with in your heart, can ground and choose to strategize and take meaningful daily actions towards…you can make a reality.
When you lack specificity on your goals, or clarity on if the things you say you want are even congruent and important to you…you will tend to face external challenges and obstacles.
How do you know if you’re setting aligned goals?
Well, if you’re not taking consistent action towards something, or there’s something you really wanted on January 1st, (or maybe even for multiple years or even a decade ago)…then it is often an injected value and something you perceive you “should” do, rather than something you’d love to do.
(Side note: I have a great mini values course with lots more depth on discovering your values you can check out here)

The goal of knowing your values from this new perspective is to gain clarity and give yourself permission to know and be yourself. To move from what you “should” or “could” do, or feel you “have” to or “need” to do and instead help you know your heart’s desires.
As one of my mentors and teachers says, “If you don’t fill your day with high priority plans and actions that inspire you, your day will fill up with low priority distractions that won’t.”
Here are some questions to get you thinking:
I invite you to answer these questions with one area of life in mind, first. Maybe it’s the area you have some momentum in.
This may or may not be the same one that was a primary focus for you at the beginning of this year. It’s helpful to take notice of this and see where your energy was naturally drawn towards.
You can also start with an area you’d like to really focus on for these final two months of the year.
Let’s start with your being.
- Who are you being? Have you been consistently: Inspired? Focused? Depleted? Stressed? Longing? Healing?
- What else?
- Now, look back to Jan 1st, what did you want this year to be about? What was most meaningful for you?
- Have you stayed consistent with that desire? Reached the outcomes you set out to reach? Have you been the person you wanted to be in this area?
- Who are you in this area of focus?
- Maybe it’s your business or intimate relationship or your health or commitment to your spiritual path?
- What has been most energizing for you to focus on?
- What lights you up to talk about?
- What do you find helps center you most so you show up as your most loving, flexible and clear self?
Now, let’s look at your actions?
- What did you set out to do?
- Have you done it? If so, why? If not, why not?
- What have been your perceived challenges? Is this an inspiring goal for you?
- How would you love to close out the year?
- What else would you like to contribute, accomplish, focus on?
- What will help you accomplish your goals?
- How can you set aside the time and focused energy to move forward or towards completion?
- What do you perceive are the most high priority daily actions that will help you reach this outcome?
Lastly, let’s look at what you want to have and create from your being and actions.
- What do you want to have 3 months from now? 6 months from now?
- Why would you love this? What feeling drives this?
- What do you feel it will provide for you and those you care about?
- How may it have a positive impact on the area of life you want to grow?
I could go on and on with questions like this because the more we answer meaningful questions, the more clear and inspired we become.
I invite you to take some intentional time for yourself to gain clarity and to get connected each day to taking care of yourself and your goals.
Much love,
Laurin xx
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