After leaving my home, there are a few things I want to share today.
I’m one of the fortunate ones. I’m no longer under an evacuation warning, my home is standing and with a young child and fur baby I’m choosing to leave for a while until I understand the air quality better.
I’m proactive with my health and extremely sensitive and still healing postpartum.
I was sitting in bed last night wondering what my life will look like. I realized I had a few choices and I really need to be intentional.
- I could spiral and stress out about the future.
- I can get stuck in doing mode, analyzing, researching and trying to figure out possible solutions.
- I could take an intentional pause to just be present and let everything go I want to figure out.
- I could pause, while simultaneously focusing on grounding and connecting to myself with my spirit to hear, feel and see subtleties about where I’m being called to go. This also allows space for staying present through uncertainty.
What I’ve found is every time I think I have too much to do, when I pause to get grounded and connected, somehow I accomplish tasks with so much more ease and clarity. I feel more aligned, inspired and grateful along the way as well.
Grounding has been increasingly important for me and my clients these past 10 years, but now with this past week I saw in real time why it’s so critical.
I felt my nervous system completely go into survival as I stared at the watch duty app for days waiting to hear about an evacuation order and watching my friends deal with losing their homes or evacuating or the reality of staying inside for weeks. I woke up to my home smelling like smoke each day and black clouds with a bright red sun out my window and watching huge flames burning some of my favorite areas of Los Angeles.
When I got an evacuation warning I shut down at first. Then I felt sooo scattered. I had no idea after important documents where to start. I just stared in my closet wondering if I’d ever come home.
Then, in the midst of the chaos. I didn’t just pack anyways to deal with settling down later. I paused. I took a deep breath. I went to sit on my bed. (Luckily I had this time as the fires were still a few miles away.)

I did some work on my grounding cord, body scanning, saw what was happening in my energetic space and decided I wanted to be clear-minded and grounded. I knew my daughter, dog and I would be safe regardless of what happened.
After less than 10 minutes, I opened my eyes with new found clarity. I packed in an organized and precise way. I loaded the car effortlessly. The stress melted away and I was clear on our plan. If it needed to change and we had to move faster, I would readjust.
The power of knowing efficiently how to own your space and get grounded is a game-changer.
It can shift your entire way of being.
After arriving in the desert. I still felt a little off. I knew I was running mostly on adrenaline and needed to sleep. My milk supply went to 0 as I’m still nursing my daughter.
Resetting and getting reconnected became my top priority.
After 2 days my milk is flowing, I feel more clear, I can take next steps without feeling rushed and feel reinspired to contribute and connect with my clients and friends.
This is when we need the tools the most! And, yes, we can find them in times of crisis. But, having them as second nature before you need them is so valuable.
I know so many of you may be dealing with so much right now.
Whether it’s a direct result of fires, hurricanes, life changes, grief, relationships, health…now is the time to reconnect to yourself and the importance of getting grounded.
I’ve been working on some new content around getting grounded and rather than wait until this course is complete, I’d love to offer to take you with me on this journey.
I’ll share everything I did that worked for me in a time of distress and what I do in my day-to-day as well.
We all need it more than ever as individuals and as a community.
Please join me LIVE for a beta round on
From Survival to Grounded: A Crash Course on Stabilizing Your Energy.
I’m offering 5 LIVE calls where we’ll go deeper on concepts around getting grounded.
We’ll cover:
- What grounding really means
- Benefits of being grounded
- What it looks and feels like when you’re ungrounded
- Why you may be consciously and unconsciously choosing to stay ungrounded at times
- Different styles of meditations and tools to use to help you get grounded
- A bonus audio course on Discovering Your Values
- A bonus course on Dissolving Grief into Presence and Love
This course will be a deep dive on all things grounding with Q & A on each call and live meditations.
I want everyone to be able to afford this.
I’m offering three options.
- A 50% discount
- If you feel called and it works for you financially, 50% will be donated in two forms. Gift cards for those that have lost their homes in the fires to help them stay on their feet, and for relief and support for first responders. I’ll be working with local moms groups and those in touch with fire stations to ensure the funds go directly to those in need immediately.
- Payment plan
Usually my live courses are $1297.
I’m starting this at $997 as a first time course focusing mostly on one specific topic.
Offering Getting Grounded For $497
If we need more time…I’ll add it. If you have more questions…I’ll answer them. If there’s a need for additional content…I’ll share it.
Click here for more information and to join us.
We’re going live on Wednesday, February 19th at 5 PM Pacific Time.
*ALL Calls will be recorded.
Hope to see you there!
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