Digital overwhelm translates to a much less productive and inspired experience.
We all tend to have too many apps, files, pictures and emails cluttering up our digital space. Whether that’s your phone, tablet or computer these all take up energy in our life.
Often we feel we’re filling up with connection, information, certainty, productivity…but really we’re not creating a long-term sustainable plan of becoming more, we’re just getting distracted from our true purpose and actual connection with ourselves and others.
Ultimately, technology serves us best when we’re focused and intentional about how we can use it rather than just reaching for it or losing countless time on it.
It’s not just about the moment and doing something, our fulfillment comes from our presence and connectivity.
While presence occurs in this moment, it also comes from a deep knowing of who we are as beings and our purpose.
And the more clear we are on this, the more we need to have a certain level of focus on one thing at a time to create true meaning and measurable results.
Since, being on our devices too long can cause stress, tension, anxiety and overwhelm it’s important to set these up to really serve our life.
Here’s some tips I’ve found helpful:
- Clearing out your inbox
- Clearly labeled and organized folders.
- Color coding your calendar
- Organizing your notes
- To-dos with actual timeframes and pieces you can leverage
- Choosing what you see on your social media feeds
- Vision Boards, goals and statements easily accessible
The more we look ahead and create systems, the less stress we’ll have.
Here’s a quick video share and some How-To Tips below:
From all the messages and questions I was asked last week, I wanted to update and share some specifics.
How-To’s for clearing out emails.
- Clear out the clutter. Take a look at what emails you no longer want to see and in the search bar type the sender name. They’ll all come up and you can delete as a group or create a folder. I did this with about 200 stores, marketers, travel sites…anything that was no longer relevant. I also unsubscribed to each one before I deleted the group of emails.
- Create folders. Think through your work, finances, health, family, friends, events, travel, shopping, environments… How do you want to sort the emails you want to keep and file so you can find later? As you find emails, you’ll most likely create even more folders as I did. I ended up adding To-do, needs reply, appointments and tons of sub-folders…
- Stick to your new system. Create additional folders and delete things you don’t need to save as they come in.
*If you don’t want to take the time right now to sort the old emails create a folder with the date you’re organizing and put your current inbox minus as much clutter as you can there. At least you can search for anything you need from the past without seeing it. And, you’ll still have a new system moving forward.

I hope this helps and please share any tips you’re loving or questions you have.
Here’s two other blog posts on the topic of clutter you may find useful:
Digital Detox: Why too much clutter stops you from reaching your goals
Clearing Out Clutter: Tips for Your Physical Spaces and Environments
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