The other morning I found myself overwhelmed and saying aloud,
‘I just said yes to too many people and too many things. I’m not taking care of myself.’

I was feeling extremely overwhelmed, angry, disappointed…In the past this would have kept me spinning, and I’m not even certain I would have noticed the pattern and done anything to change it.
I no longer accept this is just how things are. It can be so easy to make excuses or just keep the status quo, but that doesn’t allow space for you to grow in your communication with yourself and with others, and for you to choose new actions that are even more aligned.
It’s so empowering to say yes to what truly feels inspiring for you.
And, when you choose to say yes to something that doesn’t have as much ease and alignment, you can take a few minutes to link your values. (If you want to know more about knowing your values, check out this audio here.)
I knew I had over-committed myself, but I had someone showing up right as I was realizing how stretched I felt. Rather than cancel or just avoid my feelings, I allowed myself a few minutes to fully feel and validate my emotions. I also saw the benefits of keeping this appointment and how it could serve me in my highest values.
This is one of the reasons I’m here sharing it with you. What a gift to have a deeply touching experience and watch myself go through the tools and the process in such a short time and come out the other side and come right to the computer to capture it.
I went through the emotions I was feeling and broke down the mental thoughts of overwhelm one by one. And, I became aware of each of my imbalanced perceptions where I was feeling challenged without support.
You may have heard me talk about the Demartini Method before.
The resources that I’m always teaching in our courses all came into play in a condensed version.
Here’s what I used in just a few minutes:
- Body scanning
- Parts Integration
- Values
- Demartini method
- Grounding
This is how you can practically integrate these tools in your everyday life to create meaningful shifts in your being.
Overwhelm is just a stacking of lots of thoughts, to-do’s and imbalanced perceptions that can be broken down into parts.
The more you can separate each component, the more ideas and strategies come to you and the more action you’ll take to bring things to completion.

After this, it was easier to feel the open space and I naturally started to fill it with where I am supported and what I am grateful for. I saw exactly how my life is serving me the way that it is. From there I was also clear on some structures I want to implement for what I would love to do differently to take even better care of myself.
I remember Tony Robbins’ saying. “Don’t see things better than they are, and don’t see them worse than they are either.”
The more we’re willing to see each component as it is, the more integration, freedom and gratitude you will feel.
Remember, each action you say yes and say no to have benefits and drawbacks. The possibility comes from YOU CHOOSING.
What is the experience you want to have?
When you say yes to something, bring your awareness to what you’re saying no to. And, vice versa. When you say no to something, what are you saying yes to?
What supports your values even more with each given choice?
P.S. If you’re new here and wanting to know more about these tools…check out some free resources and meditations here.
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