Today’s post is a very different start to the typical motivational, inspirational January energy I usually feel at this time of year.
And, it’s so valuable because the truth is we can find our flow regardless of what season of life we’re in and what’s happening in our external environments, politics and the world.
We can look at seasons from so many angles, but today I’m reminding you of the natural cycle we find ourselves in as we evolve.
I’m sure you’ve noticed your life isn’t always linear.
We don’t just keep climbing from an emotional and mental perspective until we stop and build our awareness about what’s actually present and working in our lives for our highest good.

While we may feel like we’re failing or falling–the truth is we are still growing and evolving and change takes time.
What season of life are you currently in?
1. Total Alignment. Finding your groove. Manifesting new opportunities. Things have all come together that maybe you’ve spent years or decades working on, and you’re experiencing growth and ease across multiple areas of your life?
2. Transitioning. There are variations of this phase. Moving into alignment. Moving out of alignment. Maybe you’re starting to feel things coming together and questions you’ve had for a while getting answered. Maybe you’re starting to have a little voice in your head that you’re not quite growing where you are and are starting to search for more.
3. In the Gap. You are fully aware that you’re in an in between season of life. New desires, new questions, having the courage to end something, a life changing event…these can all expedite moving into a gap phase.
What was is no longer working or has already completed. And, you’re not quite sure what’s next.
This is a season of moving out of survival and starting to gather information. There is trial and error in this phase. Connecting to yourself as spirit and having patience.
It’s easy to want results right away and what I’ve found so helpful is also so counterintuitive. Whenever I relax my body, mind and emotions and fully surrender into–even if it’s this way forever–I’m still ok.
This level of acceptance and patience brings new clarity and exploration.
Whatever season of life you find yourself in right now, quality questions can help you open up to new possibilities.
I’ve been asking myself as I’m in the gap right now:
What Would Happen If…
What would happen if you said yes to that date?
What would happen if you finally set that budget?
What would happen if you started that business and believed in yourself?
What would happen if you set up new daily rituals to support your physical being?
What would happen if you opened up to explore something new?
Maybe something will feel right…maybe, it won’t. Until you have the courage to start exploring and taking steps…it will be more challenging to build momentum.
Even those big lofty dreams start with a step in a direction. Not always even in the “right” direction.
There’s a power and gift in knowing when to slow down and listen and when to take actionable steps to feel things out.
Where are you??
Even though the start to your new year may not look as you planned. It’s not over yet!
I’ve heard Tony Robbins say multiple times “people often overestimate what they can accomplish in a year and they underestimate what they can accomplish in a decade.”
Keep going and keep showing up for yourself.
Love to hear from you.
P.S. If you’d like to join us for a deep dive into grounding, the doors are still open to my new course “From Survival to Grounded – A Crash Course on Stabilizing Your Energy”. By mastering my practical grounding techniques, you’ll experience mental clarity, emotional stability, and the confidence to navigate life’s challenges with presence, ease and purpose.
Click here to read more and join us. We start on February the 19th.
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