

My Quick Breakthrough Method

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Today, I’m sharing my quick Breakthrough Method.

This is for you if you’re feeling off, needing a reset or just feel like you’re not quite making the progress you desire. 

I know for me, it’s been an interesting few days with some rough spots each day. If I didn’t check in with myself and have the self-awareness and self-accountability when things get hard, I would’ve had a really tough week. Instead, it’s just been some moments where I need a quick reset. 

We had a leak and had to move out of my home. My nanny, Chloe and I are all a little sick and I’ve been balancing work and motherhood in some new ways while we travel. I’m really getting the message to slow down, prioritize what I’d really love to do and let go of a lot that I could do or think I should do. 

When I get clear on what those questions are about how things will be down the road and what’s causing me distress, I take a deep breath and remind myself, “it’s not time to know yet and that’s ok.” 

I feel so fortunate I’ve built up so many tools to get reconnected prior to having a baby that I can turn to now. While most days my meditations are much shorter and look very different, I’m learning that it’s the intention that makes a difference even more than the extended time. 

Wherever this message finds you today, I invite you to take a few minutes for yourself and reflect on the following.

The Breakthrough Method:

1. Getting Connected: Take a deep breath. Feel your feet on the ground. Connect above your head and feel the energy available to you that can help you get into your flow.

2. Gaining Clarity: Take inventory of what’s truly most important to you and choose one simple action you can accomplish. Small steps are what get you to where you want to go.

For example, yesterday I had three priorities. I wanted to spend time with my daughter, go on a hike and have a meaningful coaching call. I chunked each action/goal for the day and scheduled them with time in between so I could have lots of space to move slowly and build presence and nurture myself along the way. All the other wants for the day, I rescheduled or realized they’re really not in alignment with where I want to go. Some that may just be for a week or two, and some I may revisit in a year or never.

3. Releasing: Let go. Let go of control that you have to be the one to do everything or that everything needs to get done. 

Delegate what you can, release or plan for a later date what’s not highest priority for you. 

“The more you fill your day with high priority actions that inspire you, the less it fills up with low priority distractions that don’t.” Dr. John Demartini

When we get overloaded with low priorities, urgencies, and things that aren’t meaningful for you, life can feel really challenging. It can feel like the walls are closing in at every turn and you can’t seem to move ahead. 

Remind yourself when you feel stuck there are tools to support you in gaining clarity, moving with purpose and strategies for how and when to delegate.

It’s all energy, thoughts and how we relate to what’s present. 

Getting connected, balancing mentally and emotionally and creating routines all happen with intention not by accident. Choose what you want and know there is a replicable process you can follow each and every day for even more flow, ease, inspiration and manifestation. 

As always, I love hearing from you and it helps me know what’s most helpful for you. Feel free to share what you’re going through, any areas where you could use some additional support and how this helps you.

With love,

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My intention is to share resources, tips and meditations to help you connect to yourself, your knowing and your body.

My intention is to share resources, tips and meditations to help you connect to yourself, your knowing and your body.

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Hi, I’m Laurin, and I love guiding people to live their best lives. 

Over the last 12 years I’ve worked with thousands of people around the world helping them breakthrough whatever has been holding them back from being their most connected, inspired and fulfilled selves. I love to hold space for whatever you may be going through as we dive deep together. I’m here to meet you where you’re at and be a true part of your support system as you heal and grow in your life. As a lifelong learner of personal development and someone who loves building towards mastery across all areas of life, I incorporate and bring the world’s latest and greatest resources to you. 
