We’re here: the final week of 2024.
You may be hearing lots of talk about creating your vision boards, getting ready for 2025, reflecting on meaningful new goals and resolutions or ways of being as you enter a new chapter. I used to have a coach that asked me to pick a word for how I want my year to be.
All these can be helpful ways to start your new year with intention, but when we only touch on the surface, that’s how we have the same or similar goals every year.
I’ve loved vision boarding for over 20 years now but what I’ve come to learn is it’s not just about the action of setting aside the time or pouring your creative energy into it that matters, it’s the clarity you have about what to place on your boards.
The key to success is your clarity while creating and envisioning what you want.
Some visions are longer-term goals and may or may not have a place on your physical representation for this year.
Some goals may even cause frustration or a feeling of being stuck or not good enough, so it’s helpful to identify what actions are necessary, what beliefs are present and could use some updating and the clarity and tools of how you’re being.
I’ve refined my vision boarding creation process to include all of the above and to help you truly sort through knowing what are truly desired goals in each area of your life.
Today, I’m offering my vision boarding process for free as my end of year gift to you.
The only person who can determine what is most important in your life is YOU.
- Gain clarity on what’s truly important to YOU vs. those should’s.
- Learn how to set realistic time-frames and prioritize your goals.
- Learn my unique system and how I decide what to physically place on my boards.
- Take a weekend and vision out your life. (This process can be done anytime at your convenience as well.)
Click here to Start Your 2025 Journey Now
Love to hear how it goes for you and what you’re most inspired to manifest.
Happy New Year!
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