

Is Your Movement In Flow?

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Today’s find your flow message is all about movement. 

This may be a reminder for you, allow you to fill up with gratitude for what you are doing and what is working, or it may be an opportunity for you to commit at a new level and/or expand your current practice.

How do you move your body? 

Is this something you do consistently? Does that mean daily, weekly, monthly?  

Is this something you love to do, something you dread or have trouble making the time for? 

Do you notice the difference when you take care of yourself physically and energetically? 

Movement can be tricky. I think we all know the health benefits and desire to be at least somewhat active and agile as we age, but what does that look like in daily practice? 

Something that helped me increase my activity level was knowing and choosing a purpose connected to each style of movement I did. 

It became like a checklist for me based on my mood and what I wanted to accomplish both in my body and in my day. 

Movement, just like meditation, can be a tool to serve you and your outcomes.

It doesn’t have to be just another to-do that feels like you need all this time for. 

For example, I like to walk a lot. I started to get busy with work and felt scattered after taking 2-3 hours for a walk. I’d get home and feel like I got nothing done. I knew I had to shift this pattern so I didn’t feel so depleted and defeated when starting my day. 

I decided to try going for a hike and taking a coaching call at the top of a mountain. It turned out I loved doing this. I’d plan when I needed to be at the top by, sit and do my pre-call meditation and have an inspiring call. I’d have this long pause for 2 hours before coming down which increased my outdoor time and I felt so inspired and even more fulfilled. This completely shifted the perception of a time waster that lacked focus. 

Let me give you a few more examples of how different styles of movement can connect to different areas of life or outcomes for you. 

I knew I wanted to get into my creative flow more often and I realized the walks and hikes didn’t quite help me access that the same way time in the river, a swim or walk by the ocean did. 

If I’m wanting new ideas, to write or get in touch creatively, I may bike ride to the water, take a hot yoga class where I’m really sweaty with soft music. 

If I want to connect to my femininity and sensuality, I may want a slow dance class, soft stretching in the dark with some music and to light candles. 

How can your movement serve an even greater purpose for you and help you accomplish multiple goals? 

First, list out all of the types of movement you do? Or want to do. 

Second, what kind of energy level is required? 
How do you feel during and after that movement? 

Make a list that you can visit and draw upon. 

I like to schedule my movement for the week on Sundays and all the classes I want to take, then if I feel differently I can just replace a type of movement or shift a time easily without feeling scattered. 

I know for me if I start feeling stressed, fearful, off purpose–movement is an easy way to trust myself and start opening up to new possibilities again. 

When I feel doubt or a lack of motivation I may turn to more strength and core building. A more intense type workout. 

If I’m feeling low energy and wanting support, I may turn towards a slow mindful feminine flow, maybe in the dark with music to match my mood. 

If I want to be creative, the movement may be outcome oriented incorporating water in some way. 
If it’s for focus, generating energy and productivity, I usually like a good walk or hike and to be alone. If it’s for social connection, I like to be with people without a direction or something I’m focused on getting done so I can be present. 

If it’s for feeling long and connected in my body, soft stretching helps. 

If it’s getting spiritually connected, I turn to my kundalini yoga kriyas. 

If I want to be playful, I like to incorporate floor movement with my daughter as I intentionally add in some squats, planks or functional movements as we’re doing something else. 

Yoga, stretching and other types of classes can fit into any of the categories depending how you feel and the style. 

This is a personal journey of discovery for you. 

I invite you during your current practice and if you’ve been wanting to try some new movement, to take note this week how you feel and what type of action you take with each intention. 

Learning how you feel with different types of movements can be helpful too. 

Remember, the more consistently you move your body, the greater the purposeful, energetic and emotional benefits in addition to the physical. 

Struggling With Consistency-here’s my four step process: 

Acknowledge What Is:

First, feel the lack of desire to move fully. Where is that in your body. Allow yourself to presence it and then shift into.

Acknowledge the Opposite:

Where do you love to move in your body. Access that part as well and then go to your heart 

Build Your Desire:

Stack 10 plus benefits of moving your body. You can journal or say these to yourself. How do you feel when you choose to honor your body? Fill up with that feeling.

Conscious Choice:

End with a choice. What movement do you want, and when will you do it? Do you want to do it now, or put in the calendar and schedule it. 

    If you need to repeat this process over and over each time you want to get moving. 

    It’s ok to not always want to move, to feel lazy, low energy, down or tired…it’s what you do with those feelings that matter. 

    Does it take over and you stay idle, or do you choose to stay present and choose to shift your energy. 

    I’m not a fan of starting to move when you don’t feel like it and just pushing yourself. Or, always doing a hard workout or maybe always doing something that’s too light.  

    I find it much more inspiring to sit with the feelings until I get to, I’d love to move right now. Or, at least I can least get in touch with enough benefits that I want to get out the door and do something. 

    Then you’re not training yourself to go against what works for you, or some schedule someone else created or that you thought you should do…you’re choosing which style and type of movement suits you and your body that is different every day. 

    And, if I work out at 8 am vs. noon vs. 8 pm I may choose different styles as well.

    Here’s to you upgrading your movement to help fuel your body and your life with flow and purpose. 

    With love,

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    My intention is to share resources, tips and meditations to help you connect to yourself, your knowing and your body.

    My intention is to share resources, tips and meditations to help you connect to yourself, your knowing and your body.

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    Over the last 12 years I’ve worked with thousands of people around the world helping them breakthrough whatever has been holding them back from being their most connected, inspired and fulfilled selves. I love to hold space for whatever you may be going through as we dive deep together. I’m here to meet you where you’re at and be a true part of your support system as you heal and grow in your life. As a lifelong learner of personal development and someone who loves building towards mastery across all areas of life, I incorporate and bring the world’s latest and greatest resources to you. 
